Here are September 2014 Roseville real estate statistics directly from the Placer County Association of Realtors. This information is more accurate than what you’ll find on Trulia, Zillow or most other places. Take a look at the selling trends, in this first graph, as well as what’s happening with the listing inventory in the graph below. Raw numbers are provided below the charts and I’m available if you have any questions.
Sales Price Trends for Roseville Zip Codes 95661, 95678 & 95747 – March through May. These numbers are based on pricing for single family homes and condos; multi-unit and commercial properties are excluded.
Here are the numbers:
Total homes sold in Roseville, CA
July – 445
August– 461
September – 435
While these numbers and graphs don’t paint a complete picture, they should be a sufficient starting point. If you own property in Roseville, CA and want to know what your home will reasonably sell for today, follow this link and put in your address for your complete customized report. No obligation to hire me and no strings attached.
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